

To all our customers; thank you.  And a special note of gratitude to those customers that provided us a testimonial, on behalf of their horses, to thank us for their Hoofwings.

[From an email dated 7/22/2003]

The photos above are of a horse named Draumur.  The Hoofwings he’s wearing were originally made for a horse named Kashan. After Kashan passed away his owner gave his Hoofwings to Draumur.

[From an email dated 5/17/2024]
As the weather gets nicer we’ve been using our Hoofwings on Bonnie more and I’m really happy with them. Hopefully we can order our other horse Jake a pair in a few months.
  Bonnie’s feet are already showing improvement as they start to grow out without shoes


[From an email dated November 24, 2022]

These Hoofwing boots are working great for me. We are a volunteer Sheriffs Mounted Posse and I really needed something that would fit a Clyde and the big companies just don’t come large enough.  These boots are easy to put on and grip the road very good. Thanks, Holley Moore 

From an email dated: 12/28/20021
They fit perfect. Job well done. Thank you very much Frank.
Claudia Schultz-Marxloh's Shire Dino
[From an email dated: April 27, 2021]

Thanks for a great product!! When people ask, we tell them who made them 😄. Feel free to advertise using Bubba’s photos if you like! We are proud to be barefoot and utilize such groundbreaking equipment. We are part of a VERY small portion of Mounted units nationwide that keep their horses naturally and without iron on their hooves.
Take care, stay well!
Sarah Mulry
Madison Police Mounted Patrol Unit 

[From an email dated: February 1, 2021]

Please add this too if you’d like:
Working with Frank from Hoofwings has been a great experience. His kindness and knowledge is invaluable. He worked closely with me during the entire process to ensure that I was able to take all the correct measurements. I can’t thank him enough for all of the time he spent on the phone and emailing me to help me get the right measurements. The craftsmanship and quality is amazing. My farrier is beyond impressed and has recommended Hoofwings to many clients of his who own drafts with larger feet such as myself. Having these boots will give Raya, who had severely foundered years ago, the comfort she needs to walk on any hard surfaces. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!
Shannon and Raya

[From and email dated 4/22/2020]

Dear Frank,
Thank you for the Hoofwings, they fit perfect and Danial loves them!  I was so surprised how easy they were to put on and they seem for comfortable for them.  I was also very impressed with the quality of workmanship.  Custom boots were the way to go for sure, even my farrier was impressed.  Thank you so much I will refer you to everyone. 
Kimberly Judd-Pennie
Danial wearing his Hoofwings
[From an email dated 2/12/2020]

…the shoes fit!!! 👍😂
And as if Peppi wanted to test what the shoes could stand, she tried everything on the course by herself.  Traveled at a walk and trot, walk and gallop.  Only at the buck jumps was it over.  There one flew off.  But I only had the buckles in the first hole.  I keep on testing.  It was also quite easy to get dressed.  She stumbled a few times. But then the smart mouse lifted her feet more and then she went.
I will report further.
I am very happy Birgit

[From an email dated 2/3/2020]

Hi Frank,
Boots settle nicely and we are enjoying the new freedom.  My farrier said you have made some boots for a Shire nearby.  It was the best decision made to get the boots in a long time.  Have a nice week.

[From an email dated 1/14/2020]

Hi Frank,
Due to Christmas holidays it took ages to get the farrier out. Today finally we were able to try them on.
The farrier was quite pleased with the fit.
They will have to adjust a little in time but Gerry was extremely happy walking on hard ground and gravel.
Thanks for making life better for my lovely Gerry horse.
Kind regards,
[From an email dated 1/19/2019]

Hi Frank,
I hope this finds you and Di well.  I am writing to tell you that Maggies Hoofwings are working out well.  She is comfortable in them and they stay on pretty well (the snow seems to undo one of the wings sometimes, but she generally still has them on when she comes in at night.
Would you be willing to make her a second pair without the snow studs for the summer? 
I am so grateful for all of your help Frank. Your Hoofwings seem to be the answer to a problem that we have dealt with for a long time.
Thank you,
Lee Abrahamsen, Ph.D.
Bates College
Associate Professor of Biology
Director, Medical Studies

From an email dated 11/21/2018]

Hello Frank,
I´m very happy!!!:-)
I send you a few photos and a small video. (I´ll make another nice video soon. That was just the first test yesterday.)
First Domino didn’t want to put the shoes on. But I could persuade him. I still need some more practice while dressing, but with time it works J! When he came to the gravel, he was very careful at first. But when he realized that it did not hurt anymore, he suddenly went normal. That was really fun!!
I went with him for half an hour and it was great. It did not rub anything. I think, he did not want to take them off anymoreJ!!! By the way, undressing went without any problems!!
The shoes are great!!
I will do some advertisingJ!
Greetings from the cold Germany.
Domino’s wearing his Hoofwings

[From an email dated 10/29/2018]

Thanks Frank, the boots seem fine & plenty big enough, he is also walking/trotting better in the new ones. With our appreciation,

Mark & Lynn
​PS Hope you received pics ?

[From an email dated 10/9/2017]

Hoofwing Boots
Because deterioration of the coffin bone was seen on X-rays of his front feet, the recommendation of my farrier was to put my 25 yr. old Paso Fino down. We tried Air Ride boots but the digital pulse increased. My veterinarian prescribed pain medication. I contacted Frank Orza as a last hope that his Hoofwing boots could save my horse Pincel. We both felt that Pincel’s discomfort came from eating acorns in his paddock, as well as a diet too high in protein. Frank guided me through the process of eliminating the cause of laminitis and helped me to get a pair of Hoofwings quickly because my farrier had taken off the hoof wall to accommodate glue on shoes. However, with the thought that there could be an infection, the shoes were not applied. This left Pincel walking on his sole and in pain for 3 weeks. With Frank’s guidance and the Hoofwings boots, Pincel went from being on pain medication and close to being euthanized to walking comfortably without any drugs. I appreciate Frank’s expertise as  a farrier, horseman and kindred spirit in saving my horse and providing Hoofwing Boots.  Both Frank and his wife, who is surely a guardian angel, created a boot that can be worn 24/7 for protection and to rehabilitate the hoof. Hoofwing boots made abscess care easy by keeping the debris out of the area and allowed speedy dressing changes. Also, living in Florida environmental conditions change from too dry to too wet. I think Hoofwing boots will be a valuable tool as a moisture barrier. So far, Pincel’s hoof wall is growing back – pictures are the worth a thousand words. 
Love the Hoofwing boots! 
Thank you Frank!

[From an email dated 9/8/2017]

Hello Frank,

Just wanted to let you know the boots fit Charlotte wonderfully!  We went on a long trail ride and she found them very comfortable, no twisting or rub marks.

They are a clever design and look so durable!  Thank you so much!  ou were my last resort before having to nail shoes on her, which I was very reluctant to do.

Gratefully yours,

Mel and Charlotte

[From and email dated 10/31/2016]

​Hoofwings created a pair of custom boots for my Draft/Quarter gelding that I used in lieu of shoeing. They were the best buy I could have ever made! And the horse loved them! We trail rode up in the White Mtns. Where the footing is not only uneven but rugged. The Hoofwings boots were a godsend both for comfort and traction. I am now without the horse and am going to sell these boots. Mary or Frank can tell you more.

​ Thanks, John

​[From an email dated 10/19/2016]

Hi Mary and Frank,
I transitioned Misty from her soft ride boots into her Hoofwings boots over the last week. She seems to be doing rather well. She is still lame with the severe laminitis but I am hoping that having a more natural boot on her will help. She even cantered and her hoof wings stayed on. This is the first boot that has  stayed on her at a faster gait. She is wearing them 24/7 so I am thinking of having you make her another pair so I have an extra set.  My question is did you keep all of the measurement that I sent you for her first pair of boots?.

Thank for the awesome boots. Melinda

[From an email dated 9/28/2016]

Hi Frank & Mary,​
Just reporting in that Sunny’s boots fit great, he has no issues with them at all!  We went for a long rocky up/downhill ride and the boots didn’t shift at all.  Richard kept saying, “Are his boots still on?” – and my answer was, “Yes, they look great!” 
Jonnie, Richard & Sunny

​[From an email dated 7/18/2016]

Hi Mary,
Here is a picture of Snickers and myself in the water hazard at the Kentucky Horse Park last October for the National Drive.  He wore his Hoofwings whenever we were out and they did super.  Snickers has worn Hoofwings for 9 years and he finally wore them out.  He wears them whenever we go out because he has side bone and either needs to have horse shoes or Hoofwings.  And the Hoofwings have protected him so good and are only on when he is being used.  Cant wait to get the new boots and get back out driving.




[From an email dated 6/28/2016]

Hi, I had Bo on a parade last weekend. I let a good friend of mine ride him. Since the parade route was all blacktop, we decided to try out the boots.
They fit great!

Cathy Klecker



[From an email dated 6/15/2016]

King LOVES his boots.  He was diagnosed with arthritis and the boots make all the difference in the world.  He’s a big guy and needs the extra support when walking on hard surfaces.  The minute I pull the boots out he holds up his foot for me to put them on.  They are super sturdy and have held up well for us.  Thanks so much for all your great care.
 We’re saving up for a back pair!
King wearing his Hoofwings



[From an email dated 4/12/2016]

I wanted to tell you that spring is here and I’m finally riding again.  Had Gumpy trimmed and put his hoofwings on for the first time.  They fit perfectly and he likes them (kinda).  Thank you
Aleta Towle

[From an email dated 12/23/2015]

Just a quick note thank you so much for the fab Hoofwings you made for my little pony and to wish you a great holiday time.
The Hoofwings fitted perfectly and I am driving my Shetland several times a week thanks to you.
Have a brilliant Christmas and a huge thank you

Chris Hunt (uk)

[From an email dated 11/30/2015]

Hi Frank and Mary,
I recently discovered that Percy’s canker has returned so I ordered some Purple Mush from America and have been treating his hoof successfully, but only with the help of his Hoofwing. I know you probably won’t be all that happy to hear it but he has had a boot on a full time for the past five weeks to keep his hoof bandage on. Without the Hoofwing the treatment would not have been successful, we have had so much rain through the five weeks when I needed to keep a bandage on and dry as possible and without the Hoofwing this would have been a nightmare, so thanks again and hope all is well with you both, Merry Christm
Sallie and Percy

[From an email dated 10/7/2014]

Hi again,
I will take photos of his hoofs today and send you in a mail.

Of course you can use my mail on your testimonial page, I have also attached a photo of me and my Camargue horse who already has Hoofwings, with the hoofwings on, not the best photo for showing the hoofwings but anyway 🙂 
We are very satisfied with our Hoofwings, they are now over two years old and still working great, I don´t use them everyday, only when we ride on sharp rocky ground or roads. We have tried many different hoof boots but we think hoofwings is outstanding the best. 

Best regards

[From an email dated 10/4/2014]

My name is Wiviann Dybeck, I live in Sweden and have ordered Hoofwings from you before and always been very satisfied with my Hoofwings 🙂
Now we have a new horse, a draft gypsy gelding who have an old wound on his right bulb, he is 18 years old and has been without metal shoes for almost a year now but he need some boots to protect him when we ride him.
No other boot suits him because he has this old wound, all the boots available in Sweden twist on his hoof.
The the measurements are quite different between his both front hoofs.
I have attached the draw linings of his hoofs, the measurements are in cm, hope that is ok.
Please ask if you need any more information.


[From an email dated 3/25/14]

Dear Frank and Mary,

Skippy has been wearing your boots for about 8 years. The new boots are even better. Thank you for the research and wonderful improvements you have made to the boots.  

He does not need his boots often but when he does they are perfect. He wears his boots at horse shows where there is a lot of gravel on paved surfaces. I take the boots off just before we enter the arena. He also wears them on rocky trail rides. The boots work perfectly to protect his hooves. He does not mind trotting or cantering in them either.  He also has boots for his rear hooves, not pictured here.  

I am sure he likes his boots because when he sees I have a boot, he holds his foot up for me while I put it on  I’m sure he appreciates and enjoys them. 

Thank you Mary and Frank for all you do for our barefoot horses.     

Joanne Gerson

[From an email dated 1/23/2014]

Dear Mary and Frank,

Hi Mary,
Here is a letter I wrote thanking you for your help and your product. I hope you can use it to generate new customers and lock in customers who have reservations. I would also happily serve as a point of contact for a personal reference. Any client not sure is more than welcome to call me- at the number listed below- and speak to me regarding my experience with you and your product.
Office: (408) 876-6808(408) 876-6808

My wife and I would like to express our deepest thanks to you both for not only your amazing product- but also the amazing level of customer service that you both exhibit. Your firm and your approach to us and our needs had no small part is our Draft horse Hidalgo’s medical recovery from his mildly severe case of foundering.

Two years ago our Shire was diagnosed with laminitis- and our Vet advised us to euthanize Hidalgo. Being attached to him as we are- we looked for a second diagnosis and were told that with enough care- Hidalgo might make a recovery. For a long time- mostly due to the size of his hooves- we had to make do with ad-hoc solutions- like fashioning support boots- from oversized medical boots and children’s play area foam flooring cut-outs. Unfortunately this “solution” solved the issue of comfort- but resulted in humidity being trapped in his hooves- which caused a whole other set of problems.

It was only after we discovered your product that things really made a clear turn for the better. Hidalgo could get the support he needed- without cutting off airflow to his hoof- and the resulting improvement has been nothing short of miraculous. His level of improvement 3 months after getting his first pair (we now own 2 pairs) of Hoofwings was so drastic and substantial that our veterinarian could not explain or accept it. He was quite simply agog that the speed of Hidalgo’s recovery- based on his X-rays- and his Hoofwings was clearly an instrumental part of that.  Where Hidalgo exhibited rotation of his coffin bone on the front left and right hooves- that rotation is now- effectively gone. Hidalgo also had an issue with his hoof soles- being at one point less than half a centimeter in thickness. After 4 months of wearing his Hoofwings- his hoof sole is now 1.5-1.6 centimeters and growing thicker every month!

I can’t thank you enough -for not only producing such an excellent product- but also working with our special needs on account of Hidalgo’s size. There is NO OTHER horse product supplier that is more flexible than Hoofwings is- in dealing with a 19 Hand 2,300 lb. horse’s special needs!

Best regards

Jan and Yvonne Doernte

Hidalgo wearing Hoofwings

[From an email dated 11/4/13]

Hi Mary,
Just wanted to write and tell you that your wonderful hoof boots played a big part in Lady’s recovery from what was a longstanding founder issue. 
Want to tell your customers if their horse has hoof issues there is recovery possible with a good barefoot trimmer and a pair of Hoofwing boots.  Boots and a proper diet and trim are the cornerstone of  the horses recovery.  She is two and a half years since her last founder and her feet look great.  I ride her every day.  I can’t thank you and Frank enough for your kind help and wonderful product.

Thanks so much, you saved my horse!!!!
Becky Rosenberger

[From an email dated 10/13/2013]
Hi Mary,

Just wanted to write and tell you that your wonderful hoof boots played a big part in Lady’s recovery from what was a longstanding founder issue.  Want to tell your customers if their horse has hoof issues there is recovery possible with a good barefoot trimmer and a pair of Hoofwing boots.  Boots and a proper diet and trim are the cornerstone of the horses recovery.  She is two and a half years sinceher last founder and her feet look great.  I ride every day.  I can’t thank you and Frank enough for your kind help and wonderful product.

Thanks so much, you saved my horse!!!

Becky Rosenberger


[From an email dated 10/2/2013]

Hi Mary,
I just want to let you know that Clyde is doing great with his hoofwings.  He has worn them several times short rides initially and now long rides including one search mission.  There have been no problems and he is very comfortable wearing his hoofwings.
(Donna M. Trent-Heite, VMD


[From an email dated 3/19/2013]
Hello Mary and Frank,
Bear, our 17 hand Percheron/TB cross, received his custom Hoofwings last week and they are terrific! I didn’t know what to expect as I had never seen these boots other than on your web site. I can honestly say these are one of best purchases I have ever made for our horses. They fit perfect, the application is as easy as you promised, and most importantly Bear has no hesitation hitting the trial, whether it has pavement, rocks or mud.
I want to give you both a big Thank You for making such a great product. I’ve tried other hoof boots and these are by far the easiest application and cause no stress on his hoofs or heels. The ease of which they can be applied and removed is simply amazing and the extra padding you inserted for his heel bulbs is just what he needed, keeping the fit perfect with no movement. My wife and I feel so much better knowing he can be barefoot in the pasture yet protected on our rides.
Thank you again and I wish I had known of your product years ago. I’ll stay in touch and let you know how they hold up after a full summer of trail rides.
Dan Rothaug

[From an email dated 3/12/2013]

Just wanted to give  you an update – I had my farrier come out to trim Jackson’s feet when the boots  arrived.  Once he was all trimmed up, put the boots on, he took about 4 high steps, stopped and started walking normally.  Great start, especially for a horse that does not like things touching his feet. (Seriously, if another horse poops or pees in front of him, he will literally walk up the side of an embankment to not have to step in it).

We have gone on a few rides now with the boots, amazing!!! He is excited to go out now, happily standing still to get them on and raring to go.  I have made sure to let everyone know, that not only do the boots make a world of difference, but, they stay on through mud, 3 foot deep puddles, heavy wet clay and underbrush with roots. (the  north end of Vancouver Island is classified as a rain forest, we just don’t get  the sun…) you guys did an amazing job, cannot thank you enough for your hard work!

Nadine Weldon

[From and email dated 2/12/14]
Hi Mary and Frank,
Hoofwings have been an answer to my prayers!  We rescued a mare who is an easy keeper but with small feet and thin walled soles.  The summer months prove very painful for her as she flares up with laminitis.  We prefer our horses go barefoot but with her we had no choice but to shoe her.  Well that just weakened her hooves further and she was a mess.
We tried every product out there in search of a miracle…. Nothing worked, it either rubbed, twisted or came off….and if it did stay in place it wasn’t healthy for her feet as it didn’t let them breath or flex properly.
Then we found Hoofwings…. A miracle boot!  It is the only product we will buy from now on.  We watched our mare go from standing in pain, not wanting to walk, to running, bucking and kicking in pure bliss!  And it was immediate, instant relief for her… Like I said, a miracle!
Hoofwings are an amazing product and it is because of Frank and Mary, the owners of Hoofwings and their genuine care of horses!  They go above and beyond in customer care and service and have spent hours upon hours on the phone with me, giving me valuable insight in helping us help our mare have a quality life.  They have never charged me for their time… and I know their time is valuable and they have other customers waiting for their Hoofwings.
Frank and Mary, I thank you for your kindness and care of horses, and your willingness to share your knowledge to help our horses.  You are heaven sent!  Thank you thank you!
With the hours spent on the phone with Mary, I learned of a charitable organization that is near and dear to their hearts.  It’s called the, James Hughes Equine Sanctuary and Youth Mentoring Memorial Foundation.  It operates soley on donations.  This wonderful program is struggling and on the verge of shutting down due to a lack of funds/support.  For all the free consultation time Mary and Frank have spent with their customers, I would encourage all of us to reach out and return their kindness by making a donation to this program.  Better yet, for  those who can afford it, how about a monthly commitment?
Mary and Frank, I hope God will bless you both and the equine sanctuary that saves horses from a miserable life, or even death…. And 
enriches the lives of children with emotional or physical disabilities.
Your dedicated customer,
Roxanne Fleming
Vancouver Island, British Columbia
Frank….. Mary wanted me to send my instructions on how I got the cast mouldings of my mare’s feet.  I contacted my dentist office inquiring if I could purchase some “alginate” through them.  Alginate is the stuff the dentists use to make moulds of their patients teeth.  It’s pliable and durable.  I was fortunate enough to get some free of charge as apparently there is an expiration on alginate which makes it unusable for the dentist but still works great for our purposes.
I purchased two small buckets from the local hardware store in the paint section (just big enough to fit onto my horses hooves, with a small amount of free space around the perimeter of her feet to allow the alginate to form a the moulds).

It’s best to have 1 person mix the alginate and the other person hold up the horses hoof and apply a thin coating of vaseline into all the crooks and crevices of the bottom of the horses foot, to prevent the alginate from sticking.
The alginate is a bit tricky as you have to mix it quickly and get the horses foot into the bucket of alginate before it starts to set.  I believe it 
will start to set in 30 seconds….I used cold water and as soon as it was mixed I lifted my horses foot and stuck the bucket onto her foot. Use only enough alginate to cover up to the top of the back bulbs and approximately 1″ at the front of the toe.  (If you use too much and cover the entire foot the alginate will tear as the foot won’t be able to pull out.)
I kept her leg up and applied firm pressure to the bottom of the bucket, waiting for it to set.  I did this procedure in the summer in the barn (keep in mind the warmer the environment the quicker it sets) so for me it took approximately 2 minutes to set. Once it was set I pulled off the bucket and her foot just popped right out, leaving a nicely formed mould of her foot.  I then prepared non-shrink plaster of paris (purchased from the local hardware store) and poured it into each mould.  I allowed them to dry indoors at room temperature.  Once dry, I peeled the alginate off the cast mouldings.  I sent the cast mouldings to Hoofwings along with an outline drawing and measurement of my 
horses feet, (as per Hoofwing instructions) to achieve the best fit possible.
Hope this helps and is what you were expecting…. 🙂  If not, please let me know if there is anything else you need.
I am very excited in receiving Sequoia’s new Hoofwings.  🙂



[From an email dated 1/23/2012]

I got my Hoofwings last year and really didn’t use them (or need to use them) until a few weeks ago.  Clyde has already learned to tap them on and when I turn him loose you’d never know his has issues…running and bucking and just cutting up.

Thank you so very much I love them!!

Gail Braun

[From an email dated 11/12/2012]

Dear Mary and Frank,

Your new Hoofwings are fantastic!  We tried them out today on Dancer, and  he loved them!  They stayed on beautifully and fit him perfectly! ! !  

Attached are some photos  from today.  Tom said they were easier to put on and take off and fit better all the way around.  They’re the winning ticket, for sure!  You’ve really invented something unique and special.  I’d be happy to write letters, for you, and on your behalf about these wonderful inventions!  
Now, Dancer’s hoofs will be protected forever.  

Thanks to you and your creative invention!

call you soon.  We love them!

Thank you SO VERY MUCH! ! !  

Your friends,

Phyll, Tom and Dancer

[From an email dated 7/25/2012]
Hey Frank,
I just wanted to say that Elvis put his new shoes on and we went for a great ride through the Redwoods this evening and Wow was it great, Elvis really loves his resoled Hoofwings. 
Thank you, 
Steven Flynn,

[From an email dated 7/9/2012]
Hi Frank and Mary!
I just wanted to email you and tell you how happy Tip and I have been with the boots, (its been about 8 months I think that I’ve had  them)!! They have been a real life changer since Tip’s hooves have healed from nails and shoes.  He is a much happier (and sounder) horse.  I just took Tip out on a mucky, somewhat rocky trail ride and he was comfortable the whole way.  Also noteworthy – these boots stay ON!  Regardless of where we go or how fast we go  there, the boots stay in place!  I love it!  Oh and did I mention that Tip made transition at age 22!!
Thanks again for your support and guidance through the process.  It was a big mindset change for me but I am so happy to have made the change!
Crissey and Tip


[From an email dated 6/26/2012]
Hi!  I wanted  to share these pictures with you.  We went on our annual camping trip up in the mountains of PA (where it is very, very rocky) and Blue had his Hoofwings on for every ride.  

Feel free to use the pictures on your website if you like them.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   April 19, 2012
                                                                                                   Testimonial for Hoofwing  Boots                
         Ian, our 19 year old Belgian gelding, patrols the streets of downtown Portland daily with his custom Hoofwing Boots. The boots provide his feet the much needed protection from excessive wear on concrete and asphalt due to the long hours our police horses work. When Ian goes into demonstrations he can’t always avoid harmful, sharp, or slick surfaces.  His Hoofwing Boots keep him safe and protected.  Since we have found no other boot that will fit his huge Belgian feet the custom sizing is a must.  An added benefit is the superb customer service we have received from Hoofwings.  All questions and concerns have been handled in a quick and knowledgeable way.                
         We believe the Hoofwing Boots have been a very important part of Ian’s longevity as a police horse.  Thanks to Hoofwings, Ian continues to patrol every day. 
 Portland Mounted Police
 Portland, Oregon



[From an email dated 4/14/12]

I am so thankful to Frank and Mary for coming up with Hoofwing horse boots.  I have two lovely Clydesdale mares, one of which gets very tender on the  gravel roads in the summer.  I wanted to drive her more but with her being so  tender, didn’t dare do so.  My farrier recommended traditional horse shoes which we tried – they did help but she kept throwing them.  Every two weeks, one would  be gone along with a chunk of hoof.  I decided to look into hoof boots for her but could not find any that would be remotely big enough to
accommodate her huge feet.  I came across a listing for Hoofwings, contacted them and was treated so wonderfully, I had hope again.  Made me want to cry!  🙂  Upon receipt of the  boots, they fit wonderfully and my mare Sophie immediately found comfort on the  gravel.  Unfortunately I must have measured a little large because the boots started spinning on her.  I contacted Frank and Mary and they immediately helped me by taking them back and putting some heel shims in as well as re-sticking part of the heel.  Now that I have them back, they are not spinning and Sophie is comfortable again.  Mary is making me another pair of smaller boots to try to see if a smaller size would work better and then I will return the pair that does not fit as well.  I couldn’t be happier with the customer service I have received, the prompt responses to my 
questions, the quality of workmanship is beyond top notch!!! and the fact that they care that my horse is happy.  That means the absolute world to me!!!!! 
Highest praise for Frank, Mary and their wonderful product Hoofwings.  I’m a fan for life!!!!!  (And so is my girl Sophie!!!)

Hope this helps and please feel free to re-word any or all of it to suit your needs.  I’ll try to get some more pictures to you if you want.
I LOVE the boots – just love them!!!  You guys are the best!!!!!!
Sincerest praise!!!

Jane Williamson
Rockford, MI
And of course, Sophie the Clydesdale
Sophie wearing Hoofwings

[From an email dated: 2/20/12]

Hi Mary:

I never got around to sending you a picture of Spot in her hoofwings. She’s been doing amazingly in them! However, she has just ripped one so I’ll be sending one back for a repair.

Thanks again, and talk to you soon.

-Peony Wong

[From an email dated 2/4/12]
Hi Mary and Frank,

As I said to you on the phone, Mary, Tink is doing wonderful with her new shoes. So much so that I couldn’t get a good picture of her yesterday to send you cause she wouldn’t stand still long enough! Cindy said it would be okay to use her picture on your website. You can put a little note with the pictures saying how Tink went from being stalled and on bute twice a day to now roaming the pastures with her friends again thanks to her Hoofwings.

Thanks again,


[From an email dated 2/2/12]
Hi Mary & Frank,

The boots arrived yesterday, but I arrived home too late to try on, but I have today & they fit perfectly, pony is very happy instantly, thank you ever so much, brilliant service & help all along the way, will definately recomend the boots to anyone I know.

Its been a pleasure to deal with you & thanks heaps. I’m sure if my pony could smile she would be.

New Zealand

[From an email dated 12/24/11]
Mary and Frank,

Merry Christmas.

I appreciate all the time you spent so Reever would get the perfect fit. He adapted to the Hoofwings immediately and when crossing rocks
maintained the same stride and rhythm as on the grass. Thanks for working with us and allowing Reever to be ridden comfortably without


[From an email dated 12/18/11]

Merry Christmas!

Here are 2 more shots of Magnum in his new hoof wings. I took him out on the gravel to show him just how well they work. He approves.
As you know he is almost 22 years old and has always had shoes on. I never dreamed he could go barefoot, he was always so sore after we
removed his shoes, I never lasted more than 5 weeks before I broke down and put shoes back on. My farrier and I did manage to get him barefoot behind years ago. Anyway, I did some more research which just reaffirmed his need to be barefoot and I decided to try again – this time with the aid of boots. I looked them all over and decided on Hoofwings. I was very impressed that they worked on draft horses and I also liked that they were made to my horses specifications. I know they are a bit more expensive, but I felt they were made better and just for him. I’m thinking, now that I have seen them, that they will last a VERY long time too. He has kicked around the pasture now for 3 days and he loves them. Last night he was chasing the other horses around and cantering after them. This is something he hasn’t done since I took his shoes off. He is very careful not to get caught in a position where he’d have to run off. Now he is chasing them off. I know he is happy about that! That alone is enough peace of mind for me. He doesn’t get ridden much anymore, but if there is a need/desire to take him out, I now know I can ride him without worrying. As a matter of fact, he will be going down the road a piece for a nice, relaxing walk this
afternoon. He will have to walk on asphalt and I know he will be fine.

Thank you so much for your patience with my many questions and for caring about my old man almost as much as I do.

Sharon and Magnum