
What you'll need and video instructions to order Hoofwings

Photos and instructions to order Hoofwings

Before you begin please know we appreciate what goes in to purchasing what we believe are the best boots for your horse. Thank you


Outline of hoof   Hold pencil straight up and down. (It helps to “eye” down the pencil).

Tip: If necessary, have a helper hold up the horse’s opposite leg. 

To draw the back of hoof underneath the bulbs angle the long pencil as shown in the photo.
Tip: Move the pencil back and forth several times to get a good line.

To draw the bulb outline you will need the short pencil.   Hold the pencil straight up and down as you draw the outline of the bulbs.

After the outline is finished, depending on which hoof the outline is for, write the initials LF, or RF, or RH, or LH. 

Measure across the widest part of the outline.  Write that measurement on the line.  

In the photo to the left the width measures 8 inches.

Measure the length of the outline. (the weight bearing line not the bulb line). Write that measurement on the line. 

In the photo at the left the length measures 7-3/4 inches.

NOTE:  If you know how to use a scanner, scan each outline and attach it to an email and email them to hoofwings@hoofwings.com. If that is not an option, mail your outlines to: Hoofwings P O Box 433 Sonoita, AZ 85637 


‘Wing’ measurement. Place the measuring tape around the hoof as shown in the photo. The ‘wing’ measurement in the photo at left is 15-1/2 inches.  The ends of the measuring tape should be 1 inch up from the ground. (1/2″ for miniature horse). 
Note: Using the center of the hoof as 6 o’clock the start and end points of the tape measure are equivalent to 4 and 8 o’clock.


Height of bulb.   

Measure from the ground up to the back most point of the bulb. 

In the photo at left the height of the bulb measurement is 1-1/2 inches.


Length of bulb.  

Place end of the tape measure at the back of the short pastern (where the hoof flexes), and measure to the back of the bulb.

In the photo at left the length of the bulb measurement is 1-1/2 inches

​ Side measurement.

 Place the end of the measuring tape on the   ground and measure up to where the top of   the measuring tape was when you did the   ‘wing’ measurement. Yes, this can be   confusing. The yellow mark in the photo   indicates where the measuring tape was for   the ‘wing’ measurement. If you aren’t sure   please call us. (520) 841-4356.

My Uncle Fred taught me: “Measure twice, cut once.”

When possible, have someone take a photo as each measurement is being done.  Please provide us a photo of the bottom of at least one hoof and a photo of the whole horse. Thank you.  
Reminder, the outlines have to be scanned or mailed to us.  Photos of the measurements and of the bottoms of the horses hooves may be sent to us via email or text.

Mail to address:  Hoofwings P.O. Box 433  Sonoita, AZ  85637.  If mailing via UPS or FedEx use: Hoofwings 45 Hitchcock Lane  Sonoita, AZ  85637.

 Please telephone us with any questions at: (520) 841-4356.   Thank you.