
Mail to: Hoofwings  P.O. Box 433  Sonoita, AZ  85637   UPS or FedEx: Hoofwings  45 Hitchcock Lane  Sonoita, AZ 85637
Cell: 520-841-4356   Email:  hoofwings@hoofwings.com
Please contact us with any questions.  We prefer to speak with our customers whenever possible.


Your Hoofwing Contact Form

    Mary Theodora Winn, the love of my life and partner in making Hoofwings, died at 7:00 PM Friday April 21st 2017.  We lived and worked together for thirty seven and a half years.  She was a special creation.  I will never get over living without her.
         With help from my family, friends and with much prayer, I am making Hoofwings again.  Mary and I were destined to make boots so horses could be barefoot.  Weeks before her death Mary struggled to make Hoofwings.  I will try my best to make her proud of me.
         In October of 1986 Mary and I made our first pair of hoof boots for my mare, Brood.  Together, we worked on and tested each prototype.  Mary did all the work required to obtain a patent and in January 1991, we were awarded a patent for Horsneaker Hoof Boots.  We continued to improve our boots and in May of 2005 we developed Hoofwings.  As anyone who ever used hoof boots knows; they only work as well as they fit.  Mary put a great deal of thought and work into every “wing” she designed.  When the Hoofwings did not fit properly she took it to heart.  Everyone who spoke with Mary could sense her devotion to helping horses.  She will be with Jesus at the resurrection.  
         Mary never asked for anything.  Before she died she said she wanted to be buried in Baird, Texas near her Mother, Father and her fraternal twin sister, Theresa.  That is where she is buried.  When my time on Earth is up I will be buried next to Mary.
    May God bless you and your horses,

    ​Please contact me if you want Hoofwings for your horse.  Telephone: 520-841-4356.  Email: hoofwings@hoofwings.com.  For Ordering Instructions click on the, Ordering Instructions tab above.
    Thank you,
    Frank J. Orza